The Neuro-Profiling

The different types of Neuro-Profile :

( To know and understand )

Have you ever wondered why some advertising messages move you more than others? Why some adverts make you want to take immediate action, while others leave you indifferent?

The answer could lie in your Neuro-Profile, a unique biological fingerprint that influences the way we interact with the world around us. This brand new science will revolutionise marketing, as understanding your Neuro-Profile can not only help you understand why you react in certain ways, but also how companies can use this information to capture your attention.

In this article, we will reveal the different types of Neuro-Profile, how they are influenced by different hormones, and how we can target them to stimulate your attention according to their respective hormonal sensitivity. We'll explore the Neuro-Profiles that are stimulated by images of action and victory, those that seek inspiration and ease, those that aspire to harmony and comfort, and those that need order and stability.

So, if you want to understand why certain adverts touch you at the deepest level, and how you can use this knowledge to your advantage, read on and you'll find below the different types of neurological profile. And who knows? maybe you'll discover some surprising aspects of your own behaviour and reactions.

TypeX : "Execution and influence"

This Neuro-Profile is associated with high levels of testosterone and is much more sensitive to it. You can therefore target elements linked to this hormone to stimulate their attention.

For example, they will be much more receptive if you highlight images of ACTION and scenes of VICTORY. Using a personality (influencer/sportsperson) who represents these values will have a strong impact on them.

Type 1: "Inspiration and ease

This neuro-profile is associated with greater sensitivity to dopamine, so you can target elements that activate this hormone to stimulate their attention.

For example, using inspirational and dynamic language in your copywriting by using verbs and adjectives that evoke joy, creativity, wonder and discovery will have a much greater effect on them. These people tend to be in search of HAPPINESS.

TypeZ: "Harmony and comfort

This Neuro-Profile is associated with higher levels of oxytocin, they are much more sensitive to it. Like Type X, you can target elements linked to this hormone to stimulate their attention.

For example, people with this profile are natural helpers and have a strong tendency to form bonds, so highlight how your product or service can help others, support a cause or provide assistance: social movement, ecological product or payment of a share of profits to an association. These people like to serve a GOOD CAUSE.

Type0: "Order and stability

This Neuro-Profile is associated with greater sensitivity to cortisol. Like Type 1, you can target elements that activate this hormone to stimulate their attention.

For example, people with this profile are good problem solvers and are often motivated by practical, effective solutions.

So you need to present your product as THE SOLUTION to their problem, then add an urgency such as limited stock - they're much more sensitive to stress and so should pounce on it for fear of missing an opportunity.

Of course, we still have plenty of other ways of stimulating each of these Neuro-Profiles, but we'll save the best for later. ;)

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